

Nuclear Babies

Blog, Featured, Illustration

May 30, 2017

Nuclear Babies… Need I say more?...

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Oh The Huge Manatee!

Blog, Illustration

May 6, 2017

The Hindenburg disaster happened 80 years ago today… “Oh the humanity!” Too soon?...

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Jabba The Trump

Blog, Featured, Illustration

May 4, 2017

Now that Donald Trump is busy destroying the world, I thought it only timely to say May the Fourth be with us all....

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The Real Jack Sparrow Was Muslim?


May 3, 2017

Say what? You mean the very same Captain Jack Sparrow that just had his dogs deported from Australia whilst filming the latest Pirates of the Caribbean? Yup, that’s right… The character from the über successful Hollywood franchise was based on a real life Muslim pirate from the 17th Century AD. The real...

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Diplomatic Soda

Blog, Featured, Illustration

April 12, 2017

Trump logic: Bomb Syrians to punish Assad for bombing Syrians. Hmmm… Why is it always innocent people who suffer most? Trump logic… is that an oxymoron, sans the oxy? One thing is for sure, #Coke must be pretty salty now that #Pepsi is getting all these sweet new diplomatic gigs....

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The Syrian Reaper

Blog, Featured, Illustration

April 10, 2017

There are so many players in this horrific conflict, but it is always the innocent civilians who suffer most. Chemical weapons should never be an option....

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When The Chips Are Down

Blog, Illustration

March 27, 2017

Nothing beats a good motivational poster to pick you up when you are feeling down....

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The Centaur Of Attention

Blog, Illustration

March 18, 2017

There will always be that one friend…...

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Trumpty Dumpty

Blog, Featured, Illustration

February 27, 2017

I figured that Donald spends so much of his time living in a complete fantasy world that I’d write him a little nursery rhyme. Ps: Hey Donald, if you want to get into the construction game so bad, how about you start building bridges instead....

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Damn You Dutton!

Blog, Featured, Illustration

November 22, 2016

This is my response to Peter Dutton’s latest racially divisive remarks regarding the local Muslim community. It was published in New Matilda. Stay classy Peter Dutton. Your lack of insight, foresight and hindsight is startling for a person in your position. Your racism and uninformed comments have no...

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