

Electile Dysfunction 2016

Blog, Featured, Illustration

June 30, 2016

You don’t need to suffer in silence! Just because the two candidates are total dicks, it doesn’t mean you can’t get help. So head down to your local polling booth on election day, because we all know that every vote makes your election bigger!...

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

May 4, 2016

Peter Dutton, the oh so Honourable Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, has criticised refugee advocates for pressuring refugees to “behave in a certain way” after two asylum seekers tragically set themselves on fire whilst in detention. Mr Dutton, if refugee advocates had the kind of...

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Mein Trumpf

Featured, Illustration

April 13, 2016

I’m not done with you yet Trump and have taken the liberty of designing your autobiography. The reality is that a vote for Trump should no longer be a political decision, but an ethical one. Trump is morally, ethically and literally bankrupt. #SayNoToMeinTrumpf...

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The Tale of Trumpelstiltskin

Featured, Illustration

April 7, 2016

Like an evil troll in a b-grade fairytale, Trump just won’t disappear. His only proven skill seems to be his ability to spin complete BS into votes. Mind you, voting for Trump is basically the same as willingly giving yourself herpes, it is something you will almost instantly regret and will...

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Creative Ummah

Art & Design, Australia, Blog, Projects

November 11, 2015

Creative Ummah is an awesome platform that I Co-Founded with a dear friend of mine, Peter Gould. We created it together to inspire and empower people from all over the world to continue to create positive change. The platform showcases a unique directory of the amazing Change Makers and Creatives the Muslim...

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Muslim Funaddicts

Australia, Blog, Featured, Projects

September 27, 2015

Muslim Funaddicts is a social awareness initiative that I Co-Founded to break down common misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding the Muslim community.  The concept grew as a response to the inherent lack of positive imagery the Muslim community receive in popular culture, not only in Australia, but also...

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Damascus From Mt Qasioun

Blog, Featured, Middle East, Travel

September 21, 2015

Jabal Qasioun is an incredibly humble mountain, yet its presence can be felt from far and wide. It sits and watches over those who call it home and has witnessed the winds of change blow against is hardened exterior throughout the ages. Its ancient veins are filled with rich history as it stretches out...

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Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Auspol, Politics, Australia


Turn Back Abboatt

Featured, Illustration

September 15, 2015

  As the deeply unpopular, insanely conservative and Neanderthal like, now former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott was overthrown by his colleague, Malcolm Turnbull, I thought it only fair to give him a send off worthy of his most prized catch phrase, “turn back the boats.”...

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What now, Tony?

Art & Design, Australia, Blog, Featured, Home, Illustration

September 9, 2015

After images surfaced online of the lifeless body of baby Aylan Kurdi, a Syrian refugee who had drowned at sea whilst fleeing the current conflict, the world stopped in horror at the sheer magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that now engulfs the region. Closer to home, our Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who...

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