

The Super Moon

Blog, Illustration

November 15, 2016

On November 14 the moon was the closest it has been to earth for a very long time and was called a super moon. But that was nothing compared to the moon on November 15 when it laid the smack down on that douche bag Trump. Now that’s what I call a Super Moon....

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

November 8, 2016

It is deeply problematic and concerning to have a government that is actively introducing laws that permanently ban asylum seekers who arrive by boat from ever being allowed into Australia....

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Digi Engage Forum

Blog, Featured

October 21, 2016

It was great to be part of the Digi Engage Forum and be able to share some of my experiences as we discussed the importance of faith, positive roles models, calling out bigotry and racism and creating safe spaces. Was awesome to share the stage with the uber talented Bachar Houli and Reverend Tiffany Sparks....

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The Cartoonist, the Racist and the Conservative

Blog, Featured

October 18, 2016

A few months ago I penned an open letter to Bill Leak, calling him out on his racially derisive cartoons that depict offensive, worn out stereotypes of minority communities.  This week, ultra conservative radio shock jock Neil Mitchell wanted to have a chat to me about why I think Bill’s work is...

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I’m Not Racist, But… An Open Letter To Bill Leak

Articles, Blog, Featured

August 14, 2016

The following article was published in New Matilda. Dear Bill, From one cartoonist to another, please stop. Your racism is not wanted and needs to be erased. Your work does more harm than good and your constant belittlement of heavily marginalised minority communities is deeply problematic on many levels....

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

July 5, 2016

#Medina #Baghdad #Dhaka #Kabul #Istanbul. Yet still no public outrage. Still no profile pics being replaced with flags in solidarity. Still no value on human life, unless those lives are a certain colour. Our blood is all one colour and every drop spilled is a tragedy. #NoBrainer...

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Muslim Mean Tweets

Blog, Projects

July 3, 2016

It was awesome creating this rad video with our team of rockstars at the Lebanese Muslim Association in response to all those haters out there. Watch this space, as more of this awesomeness is coming your way!...

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Electile Dysfunction 2016

Blog, Featured, Illustration

June 30, 2016

You don’t need to suffer in silence! Just because the two candidates are total dicks, it doesn’t mean you can’t get help. So head down to your local polling booth on election day, because we all know that every vote makes your election bigger!...

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

May 4, 2016

Peter Dutton, the oh so Honourable Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, has criticised refugee advocates for pressuring refugees to “behave in a certain way” after two asylum seekers tragically set themselves on fire whilst in detention. Mr Dutton, if refugee advocates had the kind of...

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Creative Ummah

Art & Design, Australia, Blog, Projects

November 11, 2015

Creative Ummah is an awesome platform that I Co-Founded with a dear friend of mine, Peter Gould. We created it together to inspire and empower people from all over the world to continue to create positive change. The platform showcases a unique directory of the amazing Change Makers and Creatives the Muslim...

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