

Live Export, It’s Just Cruel

Australia, Blog, Middle East, Projects

June 29, 2010

As part of my role as Consultant and Investigator for the WSPA Live export Campaign from 2009 to 2011, I spent a great deal of time documenting the conditions animals are subjected to as part of the trade. Below is a video I produced with WSPA regarding the live export trade. The content is from …...

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Live Export, Exports Jobs

Australia, Blog, Projects

June 29, 2010

The following is a short video I shot, edited and produced for the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU) regarding the huge job loss that is occurring due to the continued live export trade. I interviewed Australian meat workers in Townsville and Dinmore who are now either unemployed or have had...

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The Live Export Trade


June 27, 2010

A short photo montage from some of my investigations into the live export trade from Australia to the Middle East. Photographs were taken on location throughout the Middle East during my time at local livestock markets and abattoirs....

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