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US Marines embrace Nazi sentiments in Afghanistan

Blog, Middle East, USA

February 16, 2012

US Soldiers pose with a Nazi SS flag in Afghanistan. No disciplinary action will be taken against the Marines, because apparently there was no malicious intent. According to Maj. Gabrielle Chapin, a spokeswoman at Camp Pendleton, Calif. ” The Marines mistakenly believed the “SS” in...

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Are we bribing the Taliban?

Australia, Blog, Middle East

January 29, 2010

Australia has offered 25 million dollars to a Taliban peace fund – the fund is part of a global initiative set up by 70 countries and plans to raise $US500 million for Taliban fighters to be reintegrated into society and encourage them to lay down their arms. So are we simply buying them off with...

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Afghani elecetions

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

August 24, 2009

Is it any wonder that Karzai is in the lead? As an ex-employee of Unocal, one of the major companies involved in the Trans-Afghan Pipeline, it would seem that his popularity amongst Western backers comes with a price. Karzai gives the US a safe route for their oil/natural gas pipeline – the US give...

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If I pay you enough, will you listen to me?

Blog, Pakistan

June 13, 2009

Exactly how much does it cost to have your voice heard in Washington? — Mother Jones: In his memo to Afghanistan’s finance minister, Omar Zakhiwal, which is dated April 21 and marked “confidential,” Ambassador Said Tayeb Jawad surveys the competition. Pakistan, he writes, employs nine...

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Obama wants talks with Taliban

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

March 8, 2009

“Mr Obama told the New York Times that US forces in Iraq had persuaded some Islamic radicals alienated by the tactics of al-Qaeda to co-operate. He said there might be similar opportunities in Afghanistan, although the situation there was more complex.”...

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Mustafa Qadri: “It’s like fighting quick sand”

Blog, Middle East, News, Pakistan, USA

February 20, 2009

In his latest article, Mustafa Qadri writes about the continued conflict crippling Afghanistan, its links across the border in Pakistan, the build up of US troops in the region and the recent Taliban suicide attacks in Kabul: “It’s like fighting quick sand” AFGHANISTAN – February 18, 2009...

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Kyrgyzstan evicts the US

Blog, Middle East, News, Politics, USA

February 20, 2009

The parliament of Kyrgyzstan have given the US six months to vacate their highly strategic airbase, which served as a back-door into Afghanistan . The bill, passed by 78  out of 81 deputies, is a move that proves to be very problematic for the new Obama adminstration: “MOSCOW – The Parliament...

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NATO: Afghan civillian deaths up by 46%

Blog, Middle East, News

February 17, 2009

The transparency group Wikileaks has issued a press release regarding a confidential NATO report that details the dramatic increase in civillians deaths, the rise in civil disorer and the lack of basic health care and education in Afghanistan.        ...

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ADF kill five Afghan children

Australia, Blog, Middle East

February 15, 2009

Anger is mounting in Afghanistan after the Australian Defence Force kill five Afghan children during a raid on Thursday.  Tom Hyland, Foreign Editor at The Age, files the following report: “AFGHAN authorities have condemned the killing of civilians – including five children – in a...

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The Road to Afghanistan

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

February 13, 2009

As the United States increase their military might and political pressure in Afghanistan, they now find trouble around every corner. Literally. The road into the war torn country has become the latest threat for US and NATO forces, as the following article by Robert Mackey suggests. “More than 80...

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