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The Cartoonist, the Racist and the Conservative

Blog, Featured

October 18, 2016

A few months ago I penned an open letter to Bill Leak, calling him out on his racially derisive cartoons that depict offensive, worn out stereotypes of minority communities.  This week, ultra conservative radio shock jock Neil Mitchell wanted to have a chat to me about why I think Bill’s work is...

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Erase Racism

Featured, Illustration

August 14, 2016

This piece was in response to the years of racially derisive cartoons by Bill Leak. It accompanied an open letter to I wrote to Bill, from one cartoonist to another. Click here to read the article....

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Disaster Capitalism

Australia, Blog, Illustration, Middle East, Pakistan

February 19, 2013

A series of illustrations I drew for the launch of Antony Loewenstein’s exhibition of amazing photos from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Haiti, Papua New Guinea and across Australia. The month long event also showcased a preview to Antony’s upcoming documentary on disaster capitalism and his book,...

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