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2008: Not a good year for journalists in Pakistan

Blog, Censorship, News, Pakistan

December 30, 2008

12 dead, 201 cases of reported abuse, 41 cases of assault, 74 journalists sustained injuries, 118 cases of intimidation and threats. Intermedia, an independent NGO operating in Pakistan, has released a report on the state of the Pakistani media in 2008. The report highlights the dangers journalists face on a...

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Freedom of Speech: Australia Remains Silent

Articles, Australia, Blog, Censorship, General, News

December 16, 2008

The following article was originally published in the Sydney City Hub Newspaper on October 13, 2008. It was then re-published in the FONAS Fine Arts Magazine – Summer Edition, 2008 By Reuben Brand In the wake of the Bill Henson fiasco that divided the nation, robust discussion on Australia’s...

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Art, Australia and Censorship

Articles, Australia, Blog, Censorship

December 16, 2008

The following article was published in Wed Diary on October 08, 2008: By Reuben Brand In the wake of the Bill Henson fiasco Australians have become divided in the debate over art vs. pornography and censorship vs. freedom of expression. Australia’s censorship laws came under tight scrutiny at an Arts...

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Forum Rejects Call for Arts Watchdog

Art & Design, Articles, Australia, Blog

August 7, 2008

The following article was published in the Sydney City Hub Newspaper on June 19, 2008 By Reuben Brand Australia’s censorship laws came under tight scrutiny at an Arts Censorship Forum convened after the recent furore surrounding artist Bill Henson’s latest exhibition. Hetty Johnston, executive director...

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Henson off the Hook

Australia, Blog, Politics

April 7, 2008

The following article was published in the Bondi View on June 13, 2008. By Reuben Brand Controversial photographer Bill Henson will not be charged over allegations of child pornography, as the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions informed police that there were no substantial grounds for convicting Mr Henson...

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