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Dear Obama… Kind regards, Hamas.

Blog, Middle East, USA

May 11, 2010

Hamas recently sent US President Barack Obama a letter outlining the need for America to change it’s policy and “double standards” concerning it’s involvement in the Palestinian cause. Taher An-Nunu, a Hamas Spokesman, said in a press release that the letters include “a request...

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Israel has an election problem

Blog, Middle East, News, Politics

February 3, 2009

Israeli strikes into Gaza and the West Bank have increased just days before Israel’s February 10 Parliamentary Election. Two Palestinians have been killed and scores injured as Israel’s “harsh and disproportionate” retaliation to Hamas rocket fire flares up once again.   Is Gaza the...

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David and Goliath: Palestine and Israel

Articles, Middle East, Politics

January 22, 2009

The following article was published in Online Opinion on November 18, 2008 By Reuben Brand An Israeli think tank has publicised its concerns regarding the growth of Hamas both politically and militarily over the past three years. Hamas, since its humble beginnings as an offshoot of the The Muslim...

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“Israel no victim”

Blog, Middle East, News, Politics

December 31, 2008

Yesterday, Vic Alhadeff, posted an article on ABC Unleashed excusing Israel’s flagrant disregard for human life, and justifying their latest actions by portraying Israel as the victims of a terrible onslaught by Hamas: “Backed by Iran, Hamas’ widespread and systematic attacks against Israel...

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