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US ignore torture claims

Blog, Middle East, USA

October 24, 2010

WikiLeaks has recently published some 400,000 secret US military documents outlining thousands of cases of abuse and torture – but an order from the Pentagon ensured US troops would ignore such claims and turn a blind eye. The paper trail doesn’t lie....

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Ahmed the Exchange Student

Blog, Illustration, Middle East, USA

May 3, 2010

Below is one of my illustrated thoughts in a small series of musings on the world around us – published in the Window Dressers Arms  ...

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Colonizing Iraq

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

July 16, 2009

Michael Swartz’s latest article “Colonizing Iraq – The Obama Doctrine?” is a must read: — “Unfortunately, not just for the Iraqis, but for the American public, it’s what’s happening in “the dark” — beyond the glare of lights and TV cameras...

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US snipers use ‘baiting’ to kill innocent Iraqis

Blog, Middle East, USA

May 7, 2009

US snipers have been placing various items on the side of the road and waiting until an Iraqi, any Iraqi (the US doesn’t discriminate when it comes to killing), picks it up. The sniper then shoots them. Would you pick up a curious looking bundle of goods if you new it meant getting your head blown...

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The Truth Must Not Be Sanitised

Articles, Blog, Censorship, Middle East, News, Politics

January 19, 2009

The following article was published on ABC’s The Drum, one of Australia’s largest news, politics, opinion and analysis websites: With a war that has drawn distinct global lines between “the West and the rest”, journalists are now, more than ever, faced with the ethical dilemma of...

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US Riding the World

Blog, Illustration, Middle East, Pakistan, Politics, USA

December 17, 2008

The following cartoon “US Riding the World” was selected for heat eight of the inaugural New Matilda Political Cartoon Competition.    ...

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The Democracy of Hypocrisy

Articles, Middle East, News, Politics, USA

December 17, 2008

The following article was published in Open Forum on November 04, 2008 then again in Online Opinion on December 15, 2008 Two rigged elections, 9/11, the hunt for Osama, Saddam’s WMDs, a pre-emptive strike and the war on terror. A b-grade Hollywood movie? Or the past eight years of Bush in the White...

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