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Please Explain

Featured, Illustration

September 21, 2016

In 1996 Pauline Hanson began her fear mongering by standing in Parliament House and saying that Australia is in danger of being “swamped by Asians.” 20 years later and this bigoted individual is back spreading her hate and blatant racism. May the future generations that lead this country look...

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Muslim Funaddicts

Australia, Blog, Featured, Projects

September 27, 2015

Muslim Funaddicts is a social awareness initiative that I Co-Founded to break down common misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding the Muslim community.  The concept grew as a response to the inherent lack of positive imagery the Muslim community receive in popular culture, not only in Australia, but also...

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Je Suis Le Crayon Oublié (I am the Forgotten Pencil)

Art & Design, Blog, Censorship, Featured, Illustration, News, Politics

February 4, 2015

In the aftermath of tragedy, such as the ‪#‎CharlieHebdo‬ shootings, we often conveniently forget the collective carnage that we, as a species inflict on each other. My good friend Mark Gonzales reached out and we collaborated on the following piece. “Je Suis Crayon Oublié” (I am the...

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“Dude, you HAVE no Quran!”

Blog, USA

September 21, 2010

Skateboarder, Jacob Isom has become an internet hero after he stopped a local militant Christian group from burning a copy of the Quran. Isom grabbed the kerosine soaked Holy Book and ran off, later telling a local TV station what happened: “I snuck up behind him and took his Quran, he said something...

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Musings from Pakistan…

Blog, Pakistan

December 3, 2009

What is daily life like in one of the most dangerous regions in the world? Find out at Cosima Brand’s new blog – written by none other than my lovely little sister. So do yourself a favour – visit Cosima’s website and learn a new perspective on a country that is once again in the...

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US Foreign Policy

Australia, Blog, Illustration, Middle East, Politics, USA

December 17, 2008

The following image is a ceramic plate I painted and donated to the annual National Art School’s FONAS Charity Plate Show – A one night only auction with over 150 handmade plates painted by eminent artists and public figures....

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