Open Forum
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The Democracy of Hypocrisy

Articles, Middle East, News, Politics, USA

December 17, 2008

The following article was published in Open Forum on November 04, 2008 then again in Online Opinion on December 15, 2008 Two rigged elections, 9/11, the hunt for Osama, Saddam’s WMDs, a pre-emptive strike and the war on terror. A b-grade Hollywood movie? Or the past eight years of Bush in the White...

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Pakistan, Taliban, Politics and the US

Articles, Blog, Middle East, News, Pakistan, Politics, USA

December 16, 2008

The following article was published in Open Forum on September 12, 2008: A very fragile political scenario emerged this week as the 13th President of Pakistan was sworn into office. A flailing congressional system now hangs in the balance amid tight speculation from opposition parties. Writes Reuben Brand....

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