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PPP Rally in Rawalpindi

Blog, Pakistan

March 3, 2009

I found myself in the midst of a Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) rally today. “Roll, duck and cover” was never far from my mind as a dear friend phoned me to warn of another PPP protest that had just turned violent. Demonstrators converged, at the now shrine, where Benazir Bhutto was assassinated....

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Pakistan: All in a day’s work

Blog, Pakistan

March 2, 2009

Pakistan: Wednesday February 25 Whilst flying across the Pakistan/India border, the sight of a military fighter plane speeding past our rickety old passenger airliner was a foreboding omen and perhaps an interesting insight of what is too come. Day one: The Pakistani Supreme Court dismiss the leader of the...

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$1 million to kill Mubarak

Blog, Middle East, News

January 9, 2009

A one million dollar bounty for the person who assassinates the Egyptian President: “An angry mob of Bassij paramilitary students gathered outside Egyptian Interest Section in Tehran calling for the assassination of President Hosni Mubarak, reported the semi-official news agency Fars on Saturday. A...

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