Quran Burning
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Freedom, Democracy, Stupidity and War Crimes

Articles, Blog, Middle East, Uncategorized, USA

March 2, 2012

US Marines: Not the sharpest tools in the shed, but I guess one only need a blunt object to bludgeon a country to death. Writes Reuben Brand. Burning copiesof the Qur’an in Afghanistan – just another day at the office for the pride of America, the US Marines. Hundreds of angry Afghans have vented...

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“Dude, you HAVE no Quran!”

Blog, USA

September 21, 2010

Skateboarder, Jacob Isom has become an internet hero after he stopped a local militant Christian group from burning a copy of the Quran. Isom grabbed the kerosine soaked Holy Book and ran off, later telling a local TV station what happened: “I snuck up behind him and took his Quran, he said something...

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