Today I launched an investigation I did in the Middle East regarding the live export trade from Australia. The forum was held at Parliament House in Sydney and opened by Lord Mayor Clover Moore.
Over the past seven months I have been working closely with the World Society for the protection of Animals (WSPA) and have undertaken numerous in depth investigation throughout the Middle East regarding the Live export trade from Australia. The investigation covers five countries and highlights the undeniable cruelty these animals endure from the point of pick up in Australia, the four week sea voyage and the handling and slaughter at their destination.
WSPA’s Program Manager, Emily Reeves chaired the event and in an interview with The Age speaks about the investigations and the ongoing cruelty that occurs because if it.
“We’ve got the economic data to show live export is bad business, we’ve got a rural industry crippled through poorly thought-out Government policy and we’ve got yet more proof that Australian animals are being handled and slaughtered in a way that would horrify Australians,” Ms Reeves said.
Grant Courtney, President of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU) also spoke at the forum shedding light on the impact the live export trade is having on the Meat Processing industry and the huge amount of jobs that have been lost because of it.
With 40,000 jobs lost so far and 150 abattoirs shut down the live export trade is crippling Australian meat processing industry.
“I can’t understand why the Government is sticking its head in the sand when thousands of Australian jobs are being lost due to this trade,” he said.
The event went off without a hitch and ended with a Q and A session.
Thank you to all who attended and took part.

Sheep in Kuwait abattoir

Sheep being slaughtered in Kuwait abattoir