

Osama: A Death Marred by Mistruths

Articles, Blog, Middle East, Pakistan, Politics, USA

May 30, 2011

My latest piece regarding the death of Osama bin Laden – published on May 6 at the Window Dresser’s Arms: “USA! USA! USA!” echoed through the streets of New York City, as thousands of people, adorned with American flags, placards and slogans, congregated at Ground Zero to celebrate...

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EDL: Exporting the message of hate

Blog, Middle East, News, Politics

January 7, 2011

The English Defence League (EDL) are at it again – this time with a coordinated protest in Toronto supported by the Jewish Defence League of Canada (JDL). In November last year I was in London, where I witnessed a protest outside “Ahava,” an Israeli skin care company who sell products from...

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Geert Wilders: The face of fascism and Islamophobia

Blog, Politics

November 19, 2010

Max Blumenthal beautifully articulates the rise of Geert Wilders in his latest article “The Return of Ghosts: Debating the rise of Geert Wilders and the far-right at the Nexus Symposium.” “With his gathering influence, Wilders has essentially placed the Dutch coalition government in a...

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Wall? What wall?

Blog, Middle East, Politics

September 22, 2010

Italian President, Silvio Berlusconi, somehow managed to miss the 650 kilometre wide, eight metre high wall that imprisons millions of Palestinians… Apparently he was too busy trying to think of what to say when meeting President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. Too star struck to...

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“How America is constantly at war”

Blog, Politics, USA

December 4, 2009

Associate Professor Jake Lynch, director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney has written the following fantastic piece, published in the Sydney Morning Herald, about America being in a constant state of war:   How America is constantly at war   JAKE LYNCH June 26, 2009...

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Ahmadinejad 1, Couric 0

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

October 3, 2009

In an interview last week with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, CBS journalist Katie Couric got more than she bargained for.   Whilst pressing Ahmadinejad about Neda Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot and killed by Iranian forces during a protest in June this year, Couric showed a photo of the...

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Gaddafi calls UN “terror council”

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

September 25, 2009

In his debut appearance at the United Nations, Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi came out swinging as he chastised the UN  for failing to prevent the 65 wars that have occured since it was founded in 1945.   “It should not be called the Security Council, it should be called the “terror...

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Afghani elecetions

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

August 24, 2009

Is it any wonder that Karzai is in the lead? As an ex-employee of Unocal, one of the major companies involved in the Trans-Afghan Pipeline, it would seem that his popularity amongst Western backers comes with a price. Karzai gives the US a safe route for their oil/natural gas pipeline – the US give...

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Colonizing Iraq

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

July 16, 2009

Michael Swartz’s latest article “Colonizing Iraq – The Obama Doctrine?” is a must read: — “Unfortunately, not just for the Iraqis, but for the American public, it’s what’s happening in “the dark” — beyond the glare of lights and TV cameras...

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What a nice plug…

Blog, Politics

July 4, 2009

In an article about Babak Rahimi, assistant professor of Iranian and Islamic Studies at UCSD, journalist Matthew T. Hall from the Union Tribune in San Diego gave me a lovely little plug. Thanks Matthew:   Reuben Brand, a freelance journalist based in Pakistan earlier this year, called Rahimi “a very brave...

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