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Live Sheep Export: Cruel, Ruining Local Industry and Exporting Jobs

Articles, Australia, Blog, Middle East

July 7, 2010

My following article regarding the live export trade from Australia to the Middle East was published today at the Window Dressers Arms – it was also re-published at The Daily Bludge, where it made headlines on the front page. Live export is not only cruelly exporting Australian animals; it is crippling...

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Mayor of Fremantle calls to end live export – Uganda bans it completely

Articles, Australia, Blog, Middle East

May 17, 2010

The following is my latest piece regarding the live export trade – it was published today on the Humane Chain website: By Reuben Brand Pressure is mounting for Australia to make a stand and put an end to live animal export as the Government of Uganda takes the lead and announces a total ban of …...

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Live export, it’s just cruel

Australia, Blog, Middle East, News

March 10, 2010

Below is a video I put together regarding investigations I undertook within livestock markets and abattoirs in the Middle East. Included in the video are interviews I conducted with Associate Professor Paul McGreevy, veterinary Behaviourist, Dr Manuela Trueby and Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi, Islamic Scholar...

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Animal Cruelty Investigation Launched at Parliament House

Australia, Blog, Middle East, News

March 10, 2010

Today I launched an investigation I did in the Middle East regarding the live export trade from Australia. The forum was held at Parliament House in Sydney and opened by Lord Mayor Clover Moore. Over the past seven months I have been working closely with the World Society for the protection of Animals (WSPA)...

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Exporting Animals Means Exporting Cruelty

Australia, Blog, Middle East, News

March 10, 2010

The following video is a slide-show I put together using some of the images I took during my investigations in the Middle East regarding the live animal export trade. It was published on one of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) social media outlets:...

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The Humane Chain

Australia, Blog

June 21, 2009

I recently joined the HUMANE CHAIN – An initiative of the WSPA to “end the intolerable cruelty of live sheep export.” “You are what you eat, so when you eat animals that have spent months in a confined space on a cargo ship, you are eating fear, anxiety and stress. Not to mention the...

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