
NSW Parliament House Forum

Australia, Blog, Middle East, News

March 10, 2010

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore is hosting a Humane Chain forum to highlight the ongoing inhumane and economically damaging live animal export industry in Australia. The event will also present evidence collected during WSPA’s recent investigation into the mistreatment of Australian sheep. Investigators...

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The wars that are sending America bankrupt

Blog, News, USA

February 22, 2010

The following article by Eric Margolis is from the Toronto Sun: WARS SENDING U.S. INTO RUIN U.S. President Barack Obama calls the $3.8-trillion US budget he just sent to Congress a major step in restoring America’s economic health. In fact, it’s another potent fix given to a sick patient deeply addicted...

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Gaza’s children: Israel’s shame

Blog, Middle East

February 22, 2010

Israel’s use of white phosphorus and other weapons containing toxic materials have triggered an alarming increase in birth defects in Gaza. The following story by Mariam Hamed was published in ISRAEL GIVES BIRTH TO STRANGE CREATURES IN GAZA’S HOSPITALS By Mariam Hamed In...

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Son of a Lion

Australia, Blog, Pakistan

February 15, 2010

A stunning film by Benjanim Gilmour – its a must watch. Do yourself a favour and purchase a copy at

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“A soldier’s things”

Blog, Pakistan

February 15, 2010

Author, film maker and friend, Benjamin Gilmour, has written the following fantastic article, “Taliban friend’s letters to the enemy.” The piece delves into the personal and psychological aspects of the ongoing war in Pakistan and gives us a unique glimpse into a world we hear very little...

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Are we bribing the Taliban?

Australia, Blog, Middle East

January 29, 2010

Australia has offered 25 million dollars to a Taliban peace fund – the fund is part of a global initiative set up by 70 countries and plans to raise $US500 million for Taliban fighters to be reintegrated into society and encourage them to lay down their arms. So are we simply buying them off with...

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Critics of Israel are now to be labeled as “anti-Semitic”

Blog, Censorship, Middle East

December 28, 2009

Since when did critising Israel become and act of “anti-Semitism,” or a hate crime? Apparantly since “500 lawmakers, diplomats and academics from over 50 nations met in Jerusalem to consider the threat of “mushrooming” criticism of Israel.”   Freedom of speech is quickly...

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Dreamland Hotel

Articles, Blog, General, Middle East

December 28, 2009

My latest piece is a light tongue in cheek look at my time spent in Dubai. “Dreamland Hotel” was published on December 24, 2009 at the Window Dresser’s Arms, a wonderful online forum, full of robust discussion. By Reuben Brand Walking out of the airport in Dubai was like walking into a hot...

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Rabbi publishes “complete guide to killing non Jews”

Blog, Middle East

December 18, 2009

The “complete guide to killing non Jews” – a handbook published by the fundamentalist Od Yosef Hai yeshiva in the West Bank gives detailed “religious guidance” on how it is permissable to kill all non Jews who may pose a threat. “When is it permissible to kill non-Jews?...

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IDF: Medals of honour for killing civilians

Blog, Middle East

December 18, 2009

IDF soldiers who took part in the devastating attack “Operation Cast Lead,” on Gaza have been awarded medals of honour for heroism and bravery. On the 27 of December 2008, Israeli forces brutally attacked Gaza without warning. For 22 days the IDF bombarded Gaza, raising parts of it to the...

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