Obama wants talks with Taliban

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

March 8, 2009

“Mr Obama told the New York Times that US forces in Iraq had persuaded some Islamic radicals alienated by the tactics of al-Qaeda to co-operate. He said there might be similar opportunities in Afghanistan, although the situation there was more complex.”...

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Mustafa Qadri: “It’s like fighting quick sand”

Blog, Middle East, News, Pakistan, USA

February 20, 2009

In his latest article, Mustafa Qadri writes about the continued conflict crippling Afghanistan, its links across the border in Pakistan, the build up of US troops in the region and the recent Taliban suicide attacks in Kabul: “It’s like fighting quick sand” AFGHANISTAN – February 18, 2009...

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Kyrgyzstan evicts the US

Blog, Middle East, News, Politics, USA

February 20, 2009

The parliament of Kyrgyzstan have given the US six months to vacate their highly strategic airbase, which served as a back-door into Afghanistan . The bill, passed by 78  out of 81 deputies, is a move that proves to be very problematic for the new Obama adminstration: “MOSCOW – The Parliament...

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Pakistani base used for US drone attacks

Blog, Pakistan, Politics, USA

February 15, 2009

The following article, by Anwar Iqbal, was published in the Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English Newspaper:   “WASHINGTON: Drones that attack suspected terrorist targets inside Pakistan actually take off from the Pakistani soil, a senior US lawmaker said at a congressional hearing which also heard...

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The Road to Afghanistan

Blog, Middle East, Politics, USA

February 13, 2009

As the United States increase their military might and political pressure in Afghanistan, they now find trouble around every corner. Literally. The road into the war torn country has become the latest threat for US and NATO forces, as the following article by Robert Mackey suggests. “More than 80...

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Myth: Obama’s “radical changes”

Blog, Politics, USA

February 7, 2009

John Pilger’s latest article in the New Statesman takes a look at the myths surrounding the new Obama administration. How “shutting down the CIA’s secret prison network” really just means outsourcing torture.  Change? What change. “…What the childish fawning over Obama...

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Taliban: Bearded Aliens

Blog, Middle East, USA

February 6, 2009

In 1940 the Nazi’s portreyed Jews to be nothing more than filthy vermin in the propoganda film “Der Ewige Jude” (The Eternal Jew). In 2009 the Americans liken Muslims to aliens. I guess its easier to kill someone when they’re either a rat or from another planet. “A FUNDAMENTAL...

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Obama: Oh Bummer!

Blog, Pakistan, Politics, USA

February 1, 2009

Democracy Now! reports on the rising tenstion in the border regions of Pakistan: “In Pakistan, outrage continues to mount over a US military attack approved by President Obama. Last Friday, unmanned US Predator drones fired missiles at houses in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, or...

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Troops? What troops?

Blog, Pakistan, Politics, USA

February 1, 2009

The pentagon has told Pakistan not to worry about the huge increase in troop numbers on the Pak-Afghan border.   Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said that the build up of  US troops pose no threat to Pakistan.   “But this certainly should not be viewed as any sort of threat to Pakistan....

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